Friday, August 24, 2012

181 Days Left

So, I'm getting slower.  I am supposed to be getting faster.  It's making me cranky.  It's making me want to stay in bed when the alarm goes off.  I don't know why I am getting slower.  Maybe it's the new shoes.  I read that new shoes can be like running in sand for a little while.  They can slow you down until they become one with your foot.  Maybe it's the fact that it was so humid that I couldn't even sweat. You know how I feel about running in the humidity.   Maybe it's the fact that I got home late last night and didn't really sleep well.    It was Book Club night and I slept in the house all alone.  Maybe I am just slow.  All I know is that I'm getting frustrated about it.

Naturally, when something is frustrating, it should go on Facebook.  So, I posted my times for the other princesses and I whined about  mentioned my slower times.  My princess friend (and just all around friend), Jen, reminded me that I still got out there.  I did my run.  She reminded me that it was still 2.58 miles.   That helped......a little.

Today's Stats:
2.58 miles (in 1000% humidity) in 34.50  (13.3 minute mile)

This weekend I am going to have to find a new place to run.  I have been going around (and around and around) my neighborhood, which is an awful lot like running on a track.....just longer.  I'll play around with maps and see what I can find.


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