Saturday, January 12, 2013

40 Days Until the Disney Princess Half Marathon

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Here are some things that did NOT happen on my run today:
1 - Nobody threw up on me.  (I cannot say the same thing for other times in my day.)
2 - Nobody cried.  (Nope, not even me.)
3 - The music I was hearing was NOT from a Music Together class.  (Thank goodness....I am going crazy with The Train Song and Old Blue in the car.)
4 - I was not fast.  (News flash, I know.)
Today, I ran to escape my life.  Something on the side of my knee has been acting up since my run on Tuesday.  It's not my usual knee swelling and's an ache on the outside of my left knee.  I am praying to the running gods that it's not an IT band injury.  It's not's just sore.  It's sore when I get out of bed in the morning and it is sore most of the day.  I didn't feel anything yesterday, but it was back again this morning.  Running didn't make it feel any worse, but it didn't make it feel any better either.
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It's been a rough week.  I've been covered in poop or puke at one point on 4 out of the last 7 days.  My husband didn't come home when he was supposed to and I missed my choir rehearsal.  I haven't been able to run. My only morning "off" was spent at the dentist getting two cavities filled. I am petrified that I am going to get whatever is being to lovingly shared at our house. 
So, today I just took it slow. I needed to be out there.  It felt good.  I'm glad I did it.  There are 40 days left until the race.  40 days.  That's how long people give up chocolate before Easter.  40 days is really not very long.  The race is 6 weeks from tomorrow.  That's 18 more runs.  Next week is the longest run before the race.  I have to do 14 miles.  After that, it's all downhill.  I have a 14K (just under 9 miles) race two weeks before the Princess.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  All of the weeks and miles of training are just about over.  It's almost race day. 
Today's Stats (from the Garmin):
3.1 miles in 39:38 (12:45 minute mile)

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