Tuesday, November 27, 2012

86 Days Left

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 My goal this week was to have a plan.  My husband has to work days this week, so I had to figure out when and where I was going to run.  The middle of the week is usually pretty hectic for me.  I try to run on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but those are the days that the baby stays home.  My original plan was to go to the gym and run on the treadmill or even outside while he played in the childcare.  Of course, he had croup over Thanksgiving and now has snot.  No childcare for him.  But, I REFUSED to be thrown off by this kink in the plan.
After we ran our errands this morning, I came home and put the baby down for his nap.  I took the big boys upstairs to our room over the garage and offered them the opportunity to play on the computer.  (This is a BIG deal at our house.  The computer lives upstairs out of sight of every other room in the house.  They are 5 years old and are not allowed online unsupervised.  The Disney Channel, which they watch every single day, does not have commercials for toys, but has plenty of commercials for their online games.  This results in a game of 20 questions about when they can play on Disney Junior dot com.)  This very generous offer put the big boys doing something that they want to do in plain sight of me while I got my run in on the treadmill.  Yep, I am pretty brilliant, if I do say so myself.  This is pretty much what it looked like:
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One of my offspring wanted a turn on the treadmill.  So, I let him have a turn before I started.  I did a 1/4 mile warm up and then started my intervals.  It has been MONTHS since I ran on the treadmill.  I set my running intervals at 5.5....completely neglecting to set the incline to mimic the road.  My walking intervals were at 3.8.  Once I figured all of that out, I set the watch and got going.  It was easier than I thought.  I didn't stare at the numbers on the treadmill.  I didn't check the watch over and over.  I think 5.5 is a little faster than I run outside and 3.8 is a littler slower than I walk, but it worked for today.  I don't plan on using the treadmill any more than I have to.
In other news, the interval beeping also served as the timer for the boys to switch.  It was so peaceful.  The watch would beep to walk and the boys would switch turns.  When the watched beeped to walk again (3 1/2 minutes later), they switched again.  There was no yelling or fighting or anything.  I might run on the treadmill once a week because of the 40 minutes of harmony in my house.
Since everyone was cooperating, I did 5K.  The 5 minute warm up is included in the time, so that slowed me down a bit.  All in all, it was a good run.  It's done.  I have to fit in another on Thursday and then we are all running in a race at our church on Saturday.  The boys and the husband are going to do the 1 Mile Reindeer Run while I am doing the 5K Jingle Jog.  They will wait for me at the finish line.  And just so it is out there for accountability, my goal is to run a 36 minute 5K. 
Today's stats:
3.1 miles in 38.10 (12.2 minute miles)

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