Thursday, September 27, 2012

147 Days Left

I didn't want to go today.  I wanted to curl up under my covers and go back to sleep.  I wanted some Sleeping Beauty sleep.  Too bad the magical kisses were wet and sloppy and way too early.  (But, those really are the best kinds of kisses!)  My body is telling me something.  I am not quite sure what it is telling me and I know that I am not listening closely enough.  I've been TIRED for the past few weeks - take an afternoon nap EVERY DAY tired.  I haven't felt like this since I was pregnant with the baby.  Since I am pretty sure I am not expanding our family, there must be something else going on.  My muscles are sore, even with my stretching after the run.  I'm back to having race dreams.  I haven't had those since we moved.  Since I don't know what is wrong with me, I went running.
Once I got started, I didn't hate it.  It wasn't easy, but I didn't hate it.  I gave myself the out to turn around early.  I didn't.  I kept going.  My legs started fighting me on the way back.  I wasn't home yet, so I couldn't stop.  I wanted to quit.  I was hoping that someone I know would drive by and offer me a ride home.  Nobody did, so I kept going.  I'm glad I went.  I'm glad I didn't turn around. 
Today's Stats:
3.52 miles in 44:48 (12.6 minute miles)
Next up:
Neptune Festival 8K at 8:15am on Saturday morning.  I have to run fast enough to finish and get from the Oceanfront to Hickory for a 10:00 t-ball game.

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